Wednesday, October 18, 2023


So its in violation of the city zoning code, we love it anyway:

1. It is a cheerful distraction from all the collapsing buildings on Market Street 
2. It is a cheerful distraction from those slow-moving pedestrians crossing the street. 
3. War memorials are so depressing without the commercials that light up. 
4. It puts the f-u-n back into the adjoining funeral home. Why don’t all funeral homes have electric billboards that the one in front of Schlitzer-Allen-Pugh? 
5. It brightens up those broken sidewalks. 
6. How else can one find who is selling pot pie or city chicken ? 
 7. Garfield Square is back in action! We had nothing to look at ever since the cartoon characters were exiled. 
8. It is the first step in turning the drab square into a mini-Times Square. Now all we need are the hookers. 
9. Its nearly 160 years since the Civil War ended, isn’t time to stop honoring those old
 10. It’s a cheerful distraction from the funny looking statue of a lady high atop a pedestal (or a statue which identifies as a lady)

A- statue of lady or a statue identifying as a lady holding a ring 
B- The electronic billboard
C - Electric vehicle getting charged at the charging station

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Garfield Square Goes Electric

 I was checking my bucket list and discovered that I had overlooked visiting the soldiers memorial at Garfield Square in Pottsville.  "My bucket has a hole in it."  Hank Williams put those words to music.  These are the words I live by.  

I drove down Market Street and as I approached Garfield Square I felt like General Eisenhower touring Germany after the war ended.  I felt patriotic.  

I parked my car at the Square and put several quarters in the meter as I have trouble using the app on my flip phone.  I strolled over to the monument and gazed at the impressive Lady Liberty standing high above the statues of soldiers and sailors.  There are even civil war cannons on the Square. It was dedicated in 1891 and still impressive today.   

My visit was interrupted by the large electronic billboard that sits onto of a truck near the funeral home that once was a church.  While I was there it lit up with messages such as "Scream Fest III" and "Clam Chowder Night at the Hosey"  and telling me where to go for the best bleenies.   I thought it was unusual for a funeral home  to have a sign like that out in front but I guess the funeral industry has to change with the times. Its about time they put the f-u-n back into funerals.  It's not their sign but I guess they don't mind.  Thinking about where to get the best bleenies, is a definite grief-buster.   

 RV at the Square charging station 
My curiosity got me to walk over to that truck and peer inside. I expected to see some little man inside working the electronics, but it was empty.  I followed the extension cord that ran from the truck to one of the city's  electronic charging stations.  I now know where to juice up the Tesla I will buy if I win the Mega Millions.  If you are in need of charging your electronic car or scooter, stop by Garfield Square!  Better yet, park your or your relative's RV at the Square and use the nifty charging station for power. Just bring plenty of quarters for the meter.

I thought it was odd that there was a flashing electronic billboard in the Square as the Square is a residential area.  Advertising signs are prohibited under the City Code in residential neighborhoods.  

I sat down in the gutter and read the Code further.  I got to Section 194-5 and it reads "No person shall erect or maintain, upon any street, sidewalk, curb or gutter in front of or along any dwelling house, store or other building or premises, any signboard, bulletin board or any obstruction of any type whatsoever which will interfere with the complete and full use, at all times, for the public of any street, sidewalk, curb or gutter."

How could this advertising sign exist in the area dedicated to the war dead, in a residential neighborhood and in front of a funeral home?  To me, this was in violation of the city code in a city that prides itself on code enforcement and improving the quality of life for its residents.  

Yes, Pottsville is noted for its strict code enforcement.  It recently shut down the Blackrock microbrewery that operated out of the old YWCA for code violations.  When the code enforcement officials swooped into action, the quality of life of every single resident bumped up (some say from even  mediocre to ho-hum),  Maybe the officials will soon get the old furnishings and rubbish  laying out for months on the 1900 block of Howard Avenue cleaned up.   Who knows?

the best photo I could take with my Brownie Instamatic
The best photo of the Square that
I could take with my Brownie Starmite Box Camera. during a Canadian smoke-filled day....the monument is at the right. The sign is now a permanent part of the Square. 

Was it just me that saw the blatant code violation on the Square? Maybe I have a sixth sense like Bruce Willis in that old movie.. Maybe "I see code violations. 

Big Boy 
Maybe I need to get with the times.  Maybe the Square needs more electronic and colorful signs.  Maybe the old Garfield Diner could become a "Big Boys" fast-food restaurant? Lady Liberty could be replaced with a statue of the restaurant's trademarked chubby boy with a pompadour hairstyle wearing red-and-white checkered overalls holding a sandwich.  It would be an improvement for the visually impaired and the hungry.