Friday, February 14, 2014

Snow Emergency Rules Now In Effect In Pottsville

To all citizens  of Pottsville and non-citizens of Pottsville who are within the city limits, whether by choice, force or accident, the city's snow emergency rules will be strictly applied. 
These rules are effective immediately: 
chairs may be placed only on the street in front of houses with even numbered addresses on Mondays (remedial math classes are available for those still having trouble with numbers);
On Tuesdays, chairs may be placed only in front of houses with odd numbered addresses (again, remedial math classes are available for those having trouble with numbers);
Wednesday is “Over the hump day,” and chairs may be placed only on top of snow mounds;
On Thursdays, chairs may be placed only in front of houses that have addresses with  numbers  found in Wednesday night’s Big Four Lottery game;
Friday is “Casual Friday” and only bean-bag chairs or ottomans may be placed in front of houses.
On Saturdays only upholstered, living room chairs with high seat backs will be permitted. For further clarification call City Hall.
Sunday is a free-for-all day and chairs can be placed anywhere one damn pleases.   
Please remember that chairs placed in violation of the snow emergency rules could result in confiscation of your chair, the imposition of fines and/or imprisonment with hard labor, such as working the funnel cake stand at this year's American Way Fair(not necessarily in that order). 
So be kind, and rewind.
These rules apply to ironing boards, ash tubs, and portable toilets as well as chairs.  They do not apply to boat trailers which are allowed to remain parked on city streets indefinitely such as the boat trailer on West Market Street, near 14th Street. 
So head on up to Cabella's and get yourself one or else hire someone to plow.
 (below left, boat trailer on Market Street - acceptable)                                                                                     (below right, chair on Norwegian St.

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