Monday, August 11, 2014

Fortune Magazine: 10 most corrupt states

the most corrupt states according to FORTUNE Magazine are:
1. Mississippi
2. Louisiana
3. Tennessee
4. Illinois
5. Pennsylvania
6. Alabama
7. Alaska
8. South Dakota
9. Kentucky
10. Florida
to read the full article go to  FORTUNE MAGAZINE RANKS PA #5
I have been busy analyzing the results.  Although Pennsylvania came in only 5th, it surpassed all of the states in the New England and Mid-Atlantic areas, including New Jersey. I was worried about that.  Hats off to all of those who made this possible....Judge Michael T. Conahan, Judge Mark A. Ciavarella Jr., Senate president pro tempore Robert Mellow, House Speakers Bill DeWeese and John Perzel and all of the others.... Keep up the bad work. Maybe next year we sail by Illinois and become the rust-belt champion.
Here is an interesting article on Pennsylvania corruption   Pennsylvania gets poor grades
And here is a recent article on Pennsylvania's Attorney General:

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