Where have I been?
I have been away for some time; unable to maintain the blog.
I apologize.
I was part of the Occupy Pottsville movement. I was camped out in Pocket Park.
The new city park on South Centre Street.
I was there for about two months.
Yes, that was me you probably gave the finger to, driving by on
your way to Maroons.
your way to Maroons.
We would practice our chants until late in the evening.
That annoyed many of you.
Well, excuse me.
We are gone now.
No more chants.
We finally disbanded on Saturday night, the eve of the new year.
I can’t remember what our demands were but the city agreed to postpone
renaming Pocket Park.
We finally disbanded on Saturday night, the eve of the new year.
I can’t remember what our demands were but the city agreed to postpone
renaming Pocket Park.
That was one of the demands, I think.
We had lower expectations than our Occupy Wall Street compatriots.
We realized that we couldn’t
stop the billions given away to corporations as bail-outs by the government, we couldn’t
stop the tax perks and crony contracts given to multi-national businesses,
stop the billions given away to corporations as bail-outs by the government, we couldn’t
stop the tax perks and crony contracts given to multi-national businesses,
we couldn’t stop the military-industrial complex from continuing endless wars, and we couldn’t stop the give-aways to our elected officials, such as the defined benefit pensions with cost of living
increases even when the cost of living doesn’t increase.
increases even when the cost of living doesn’t increase.
No, our sights were lower…much lower.
We wanted subsidies for the local bars to have longer happy
Yes, that was one demand.
We wanted the Mayor to reinstate the dances that were held on the Norwegian Street
parking lot so that the 99% of us could once again dance freely with our backs to the wind.
parking lot so that the 99% of us could once again dance freely with our backs to the wind.
That would require dance lessons to be given at various locations throughout the city,
not just at Catholic War Veterans Post.
We wanted skating boarding to be once again legalized in the downtown.
We wanted cartoon characters to once again grace Garfield Square at Christmas time so that our children, our step-children, our significant other's children and her step-children could experience an old fashioned Christmas.
Most of all, we wanted The Winter Carnival Queen to abducate her throne and be sent away to a nunnery.
We wanted her replaced with a newly created People's Winter Carnival Tribunal.
After we disbanded several of the protestors went to Garfield Square.
They would watch the beer bottle ascend.
Others went to the Hospital to await the arrival of the New Year baby.
Not me.
I went home.
I already knew the outcomes.
The bottle would rise and the baby would drop.
The baby would once again be born out of wedlock.
Nothing changes around.
Don't you agree?
It was a long two months and I needed a bath. a powerball ticket and a shot of boilo.
Not necessarily in that order.
Happy New Year.
Glad you're back Trout!
welcome back
Welcome back. It was a long two months.
Glad you're back!
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