Dear bb:
What ever happened to What’s Your Name?
Dear Frantic,
There are several possible answers to this question. First of all, you may be referring to the oldies song, “What’s Your Name” by Don and Juan. These two singers were born Claude Johnson and Roland Trone. They scored one big hit in 1962, entitled "What's Your Name." The single, which peaked at #7 in 1962 on WPPA, has become a doo-wop classic with its trademark ending of Shooby-doo-bop-bah-dah. Everyone over the age of fifty knows the hidden meaning behind those words; they are a variation of the Freemason word for their secret handshake, Shib-bo-leth. In fact, if you drink enough while listening to the song, all the Masonic secrets are revealed to you. After memorizing the words, countless opportunities were open to me. In fact, I got my first railroad job because of those words (as well as my red fez hat and Shriner shoes).
Besides a Masonic Lodge hit, it was played at The Willow Lake dances in Schuylkill Haven whenever the Jordan Brothers took a break. I am not sure if the Jordan Brothers were Masons or not. Sadly, singer Juan died in 1983. His partner Don is still alive belting out tunes with hidden Masonic messages. Rumors that he once operated a Pizzeria on North Centre Street were never confirmed. However, there was a pizza shop named “Don’s” near the “Going My Way Bar.” The latter had nothing to do with the Bing Crosby movie of 1944 in which the crooner appeared as Father Chuck O’Malley and sang, “Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ra” often mistaken for Shooby-doo-bop-bah-dah. The GMW Bar featured scantily clad chubby go-go dancers, not Irish lullabies nor Masonic handshakes. Did you ever try dancing to a lullaby? Try it sometime; you will fall asleep on your feet. In fact, lullabies were prohibited on the premises and the barkeeper promptly ejected anyone requesting a lullaby. I think the most popular song at the “Going My Way” was The Stones’ “Brown Sugar,” which was not featured in the Bing Crosby movie. It certainly was the most popular song when I frequented the place. Remember when all of the dancers wore skimpy outfits that were made in America? Isn’t it a shame that NAFTA has ruined the Schuylkill County garment industry? Now, all of the skimpy go-go outfits are made overseas. Years ago, a local go-go dancer could proudly walk one block and get outfitted at the Miss Pennsylvania Factory, where the union label still meant something.
I think I have been digressing from Frantics original question concerning “What’s Your Name.” Frantic could be referring to the Supergroup Lynyrd Skynryd, and their hit of the same name. Remember the lyrics, “Won't you come upstairs, girl, and have a drink of champagne?” What a great bar room song! No hidden Masonic messages in that one.
Frantic, there is still one other possible answer left to your question. You could also be referring to Carl Joseph, the bearded evangelist who sported long hair and wore a cloak and sandals - not the fez or floppy shoes worn by Shriners. He made the rounds in the coal region in 2000 and he made a splash in the local media. He had no connection with Father O’Malley, The Going My Way Bar or the Pulaski Masonic Lodge of Pottsville. I am sure the preacher is who you are referring to, so I tried to locate him. I called the Hazleton telephone operator, asking her to connect me to “What’s Your Name.” She hung up on me. I called her back three times, slowly repeating “What’s Your Name.” I was threatened with arrest for harassment by communication and a restraining order. So, if you, or anyone else, know What's Your Name's whereabouts, then please tell me, as the telephone company is no help.
Speaking of help, I hope I have helped you Frantic. If “The Going My Way Bar” was open right now I would invite you to be my guest; I would give you a hearty Masonic secret handshake and buy you an ice cold Yuengling. We could sit at the bar, cigarette in hand, watching the chubby go go dancer in her union-made outfit gyrate to The Stones or Lynyrd Skynyrd while we pondered the whereabouts of You know who….What’s his Name? Who's On First? Shooby-doo-bop-bah-dah.
b.b. trout
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